New way to pay online in South Africa without an app, credit card, or using your data – Ozapp is a progressive web application that carries data cost

Mobile payment apps such as Snapscan, Zapper and Masterpass all take up space on your phone and to use them to pay a merchant, you must have data.

Ozapp is a progressive web application (PWA), which acts and looks like an app, but is actually a webpage that takes up very little space on your phone. It displays as an icon on the home screen of your smartphone just like a native app.

When using Ozapp to make a payment, you don’t need data – Ozow, the company that created Ozapp, carries this cost. You also don’t have to register to use it or have a credit card. All you need is an online banking profile with your bank, and while payment happens through your banking profile, you don’t ever have to add the service provider or merchant as a beneficiary. Ozapp does it for you.

See how it works with QR codes at New way to pay online without an app and using your data

#technology #southafrica #banking #shopping #ozapp


You can now pay a merchant or service provider via electronic funds transfer (EFT) without having to download another payment app which munches up your data and space on your phone. Mobile payment apps such as Snapscan, Zapper and Masterpass all take up space on your phone and to use them to pay a merchant, you must have data.