‘Unfollow’ People on Facebook for a Happier Life

'Unfollow' People on Facebook for a Happier Life

Facebook was more peaceful in its infancy. Grandma and Uncle Bob didn’t know about it, and the only friends you had were people you called friends in real life. But times change, and so has Facebook. Grandma and Uncle Bob are on Facebook now, and they expect to be your friend.

With greater numbers of people comes greater amounts of frustration. People you still have to deal with in real life post things that range from mildly annoying to downright offensive. Some of them fill their posts with half facts, wild lies, tired memes, and scathing criticisms on the stupidest of topics.

When you unfollow a person, you won’t see their posts anymore. And they aren’t notified that you unfollowed them.

If the person does happen to ask if you’ve seen a particular post, you can either blame Facebook’s algorithms or say you haven’t looked closely at Facebook lately. Unfollowing is a quick and easy process to curate your feed only to see things you want to see. Because social networks should leave you feeling better, not feeling worse.

See https://www.howtogeek.com/396919/unfollow-people-on-facebook-for-a-happier-life/


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Facebook is a great place to keep in touch with friends and family—especially those for whom you’d like to do so at a distance. Unfortunately, your friends list is probably filled with people you can’t unfriend but would prefer not to hear from. Go ahead and unfollow them.