ICCT Report: Electric Cars Already Cheaper To Own In Europe Than Gas/Diesel Cars – Compared across 5…

ICCT Report: Electric Cars Already Cheaper To Own In Europe Than Gas/Diesel Cars – Compared across 5 countries

The International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) has released a report which says electric cars are already cheaper to own than conventional cars. How do they know that? They tracked four models of the Volkswagen Golf — electric, plug-in hybrid, gasoline, and diesel — in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Norway over four years. They found the electric version of the Golf cost less to own that the other three models, due in large part to a combination of lower taxes, lower fuel costs, and incentives.

Sandra Wappelhorst of the ICCT said, “Most trips are within an electric vehicle’s range, and it is the battery electric vehicle that turns out to be the most cost effective over four years. But if you’re a country doctor, who might have to respond to emergency calls at odd hours in odd places, you’ll have to evaluate a battery electric car differently to a London surgeon.”

The analysis showed plug-in hybrid vehicles were often the most expensive to run over four years, in part due to the higher purchase price of vehicles that in effect have two engines and lower government incentives.

See https://cleantechnica.com/2019/02/14/report-electric-cars-already-cheaper-to-own-in-europe-than-gas-diesel-cars/


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A four-year study by ICCT finds an electric Volkswagen Golf costs less to own than any other Golf model. Much of that is due to government incentives, which vary from country to country.