10 Older But Still Very Useful Telegram Features You Should Be Using

If you’re still using WhatsApp or one of the many slick WhatsApp alternatives, you may be interested in checking out reasons to start using Telegram instead. But if you’re convinced that Telegram is the future and have already switched over, here’s a list of lesser-known Telegram features that you may have overlooked but should be using.

Covered in more detail are:
1. Multiple Phone Numbers
2. Multiple Profile Pictures
3. Secret Chats
4. Customize Your Telegram Theme
5. Telegram Bots inc weather, RSS, UberTaxi, Giphy GIF search, etc

When I look at all that Telegram does (and which WhatsApp cannot do) it boggles my mind that so many people still use WhatsApp. But it is good to see about every week or two I see more of my contacts joining Telegram so clearly there is an increasing takeup.

See https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/useful-telegram-features/

#telegram #whatsapp
#^10 Useful Telegram Features You Should Be Using


You’ve made the switch to Telegram, but are you using it to its fullest? In this article, we pinpoint several useful Telegram features you may have overlooked.