Amiga Forever and C64 Forever 8 Released – the official Amiga emulator, preservation and support suite…

Amiga Forever and C64 Forever 8 Released – the official Amiga emulator, preservation and support suite

Cloanto released today version 8 of Amiga Forever and C64 Forever, the official Commodore/Amiga preservation, emulation and support suites for Windows. Amiga Forever is the official Amiga emulator, preservation and support suite brought to you by Cloanto, developers of Commodore/Amiga software since the 1980s.

More than three decades of uninterrupted ease of use, power, beauty and excellence: Amiga Forever 8 closes the circle between gaming, productivity and preservation of digital culture while adding new features and providing access to a universe of free and legal downloads.

Once again, the new editions are the result of 18 months of development since the previous major version, and now encompass more than 600K lines of code written by Cloanto, seamlessly integrating with a collaborative effort of emulation plugins and content preservation.

"Virtual machines, virtual keyboards, virtual joysticks, virtual mice… real enjoyment! Whether you always wanted to move a PET/CBM text cursor with a click, or pop up an accurate and fully reconfigurable onscreen keyboard for Amiga and 8-bit systems, this release has it all," said Cloanto's Mike Battilana.

As part of its "preservation done right" commitment, Cloanto entered into agreements with Stanford University Libraries, the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB) and other cultural and preservation institutions. These collaborations are spontaneous, and Cloanto does not receive payments or funding. Ongoing efforts also include a "kiosk mode" emulation frontend for museums.

"Working on projects like Amiga Forever and C64 Forever and remaining in touch with our community has allowed us to keep nourishing the sentiments of passion, beauty, excellence and friendship that have accompanied this journey since the 1980s. We also learned how continuing this longstanding endeavour brings with it some mostly thankless tasks such as sorting out the occasional legal doubt and standing up for the truth. In working hard to research rights and respect rules, Cloanto has become a 'reluctant torchbearer' of something bigger and of larger interest than we could ever have imagined to be involved with more than 30 years ago. Fortunately, as an independent entity, Cloanto does not lack the courage or the ability to change, or to hand over.

"Continuing on the discourse that was first outlined at a few years ago," said Mike, "I remain personally engaged in exploring possible futures involving a nonprofit and/or foundation, open source, and other scenarios that could best help the cause of Commodore/Amiga preservation and support. As in the past, during 2019 I plan to attend events like Amiga Ireland, AmiWest in Sacramento and Amiga34 Germany. I again look forward to meeting old and new friends and to promote consultations on this important topic."


#amiga #retrocomputing

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The official Amiga preservation, emulation and support suite with games, demoscene, history and culture.