Intro to Wet Shaving – “I wish I would have known the benefits of traditional wet shaving decades ago…

Intro to Wet Shaving – "I wish I would have known the benefits of traditional wet shaving decades ago"

Many people have trouble getting a good, close shave without getting razor burn, ingrown hairs and general irritation. It took me 20 years to realize that my shaving routine caused many of these problems. The solution was simple and cheap – shaving the way my grandfather did. I wish I would have known the benefits of traditional wet shaving decades ago. Not only does it lead to clearer skin, but it is also a much more enjoyable shaving experience. The goal of this guide is to share how shaving with a safety razor can give you a consistently better shave with less irritation.

Ever since middle school I have been blessed (or cursed) with thick coarse beard hair. Its perfect for growing a great beard. But unfortunately, I stay clean-shaven most of the time for my job. Shaving has never been enjoyable for me. Getting a good, close shave takes a few passes – even with a 5 blade razor. And no matter how close my shave is, I have never been able to prevent ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and irritation.

That was until a friend encouraged me to consider shaving with a safety razor – the kind my grandpa used. I never even considered using an old-school razor. It couldn’t possibly match the performance of a 5-blade, pivoting-head cartridge with moisturizing lube strips, right?

Wrong. The old-school razor gave me the best shave of my life. Not only is my shave better, but the ingrown hairs, bumps and irritation are gone. Not just reduced…but gone. My face is less dry and noticeably smoother. I actually enjoy shaving for the first time in 20 years.

This is a beginner’s guide for the first-time DE shaver.


#wetshaving #traditionalwetshaving

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Many people have trouble getting a good, close shave without getting razor burn, ingrown hairs and general irritation. It took me 20 years to realize that my shaving routine caused many of these p…