Ipsos Study: 70% of US adults are concerned about sugar consumption, study finds

Ipsos Study: 70% of US adults are concerned about sugar consumption, study finds

A new Ipsos study found that 70% of Americans are either somewhat or very concerned about the level of sugar in their diets. The survey was conducted with more than 2,000 adults in the U.S.

The New York-based independent market research firm also found that only 49% were somewhat or very likely to look for or use a substitute such as stevia, Splenda, agave or monk fruit.

When asked which sugary foods concerned respondents the most, soda and carbonated beverages were at the top of the list. They were followed by juices, candy, desserts, canned fruit, condiments and flavored coffee. All of the findings came from three separate Ipsos polls done in the U.S. and Canada in September and October.

Thing is so much sugar is added to many foods. We don't need all that sweetness. Since I dropped foods with added sugar a few years back, I lost those 15kgs and have only put back on about 3kgs. That weight loss was not due to exercise as I had coincidentally had stopped exercise when I changed my diet (note not 3 month wonder weight but permanent lifestyle diet change). Whatever is going to cause you to lose weight, needs to be permanent. You must be able to survive on it permanently. The key is in what we eat and not what Coca-Cola tells us (ie. its only exercise we lack).

See https://www.fooddive.com/news/70-of-us-adults-are-concerned-about-sugar-consumption-study-finds/543921/

#sugar #LCHF

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Despite this concern, the survey found just 49% were likely to use a sugar substitute such as stevia, Splenda, agave or monk fruit.