XDA’s Top Android Smartphones of 2018 – Because they really know Android phones

XDA’s Top Android Smartphones of 2018 – Because they really know Android phones

There are just too many "best of 2018" lists and I've actually ignored all of them, but when it comes to detailed technical knowledge and hacks around Android phones there is no better forum than XDA so when they come out with a list I do read it.

"Here at XDA, we took some time to reflect on the past year and asked all of our writers to choose what their favorite smartphones of the year were. While you may have a rough idea of what you think is the best phone of the year in each category, our writers may surprise you."

So each writer has given their award and reasons for categories such as:
* Best Flagship Device for Value
* Best Flagship Device for Features
* Best Overall Mid-range Device
* Best Overall Low-end Device
* Best Design
* Best New Software Feature
* Best New Hardware Feature
* Most Improved

They don't all agree so it is good to also look at the reasons they give for their awards.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/top-smartphones-of-2018/

#XDA #android #bestof

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If you’re looking at getting a new phone going into 2019, you should take a look at our top smartphones of 2018. There’s something for everybody!