12 Free Encrypted & Decentralized (no central Internet server site) Messenger For iOS And Android (Nope Whatsapp is not in the list)

Edward Snowden exposed the need for us to have a more secure way of sending messages via smartphone, it is now known that the NSA monitors all messages across the globe. All text messages are logged and crawled by an A.I, these messages are stored permanently in a NSA server for future references, this includes SnapChat.

Decentralized – Peer to peer communication with no central server that stores our text messages or as a relay between the sender or receiver, thus preventing interception or a record.

This is a good overview of some of the best real privacy instant messengers. Apart from one (Briar) they are all cross-platform and a few will even operate without the Internet.

See 12 Free Encrypted & Decentralized Messenger For iOS And Android

#technology #privacy #instantmessengers


Edward Snowden exposed the need for us to have a more secure way of sending messages via smartphone, it is now known that the NSA monitors all messages

#^12 Free Encrypted & Decentralized Messenger For iOS And Android


Edward Snowden exposed the need for us to have a more secure way of sending messages via smartphone, it is now known that the NSA monitors all messages