Thousands tell the USDA to update the outdated guidelines with regard to saturated fats and low-carb…

Thousands tell the USDA to update the outdated guidelines with regard to saturated fats and low-carb

Even though the USDA has not yet caught up with reality and recognized their guidelines for what they are (outdated), many people have.

During a recent public comment period to the federal organization, a great number of people brought up low carb and saturated fat as topics that need revision.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) heard from thousands of concerned citizens about the need to update the 2020-2025 U.S. Dietary Guidelines on topics where the science has evolved, particularly on saturated fats and low-carbohydrate diets. USDA’s public comment period ended on Friday, and the results demonstrate a widespread belief that the Guidelines need to be changed in order to reflect the best and most current science. Of the 6,069 comments posted thus far (all figures updated 4/6/18):

1,187 mention “saturated” as in “saturated fats”

1,299 mention “low-carb” and 851 mention “low-carbohydrate” (with possible overlap of comments).


#lchf #usda

KvPMOH3LTgnWRulLN6Xkk8x4UOv mm5nSd75irel8x4jnIWuhIJPVR6fijKICwvm2yZUcmgyh18JB36GvTn0OH2KLrL8Nc4jlc1tXs937TUxZ8U3WUYlYNMS5dchxf34gCDQjTkQgP8geRIn142vDJYN nd6DW4peOUUryB3YpoZTkFLcth22PSnFw=w506 h910 Thousands tell the USDA to update the outdated guidelines – Diet Doctor
Even though the USDA has not yet caught up with reality and recognized their guidelines for what they are (outdated), many people have. During a recent public comment period to the federal organization, a great number of people brought up low carb and saturated fat as topics that need revision.