Ditching Windows: 2 Weeks With Ubuntu Linux On The Dell XPS 13

Ditching Windows: 2 Weeks With Ubuntu Linux On The Dell XPS 13

An interesting journey that many "Windows deserters" have followed themselves – usually starting out with running a VM or a Live disk and then liking it.

Must say I find it pretty strange that Linux Mint did not find an install drive (it is Ubuntu based anyway). I'd maybe still have chosen Mint over Ubuntu.

But if you truly want to break away from bi-annual upgrades consider rather moving to one of the popular Arch Linux distros like Manjaro. They are stable, well supported, and have familiar desktops like KDE, GNOME, etc. Only difference is they keep themselves incrementally up to date all the time. They also have a repository where you'll find 99% of most applications you'll ever need to install just a click or two away to get installed.

See Jason's journey at https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2018/07/19/ditching-windows-2-weeks-with-ubuntu-linux-on-the-dell-xps-13/#121119451836

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After more than 2 decades relying on Windows, I was finally pushed over the edge and into the embrace of Ubuntu Linux. I haven’t looked back.