WhatsApp has finally encrypted group video calling for everyone

WhatsApp has finally encrypted group video calling for everyone

WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature that brings its features up to par with other major messaging apps: group video calls.

That's a fairly modest increase, particularly compared to other services. Facebook Messenger supports group video calls of up to 50, while Snapchat supports 16 participants. Apple's FaceTime will work with up to 32 people when iOS 12 launches later this year. But the feature is likely more challenging for WhatsApp than some of its competitors. Its video calls, like other messages sent within the app, are end-to-end encrypted by default, for one thing. The company also needs to ensure new features are optimized for people with slower connections and older devices.

See https://mashable.com/2018/07/30/whatsapp-launches-group-video-calling


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WhatsApp gets a major new feature.