Visit to the Red Tin Roof Restaurant at Riebeeck Kasteel outside Cape Town

Visit to the Red Tin Roof Restaurant at Riebeeck Kasteel outside Cape Town

The restaurant is just over an hour's travel from Cape Town and we rode out on the motorcycle today as the weather was a glorius windless and sunny 20 degrees today (absolute perfect riding weather). Winter has been good for Cape Town and all the fields were either bright green or bright yellow (canola).

The restaurant was easily found and it's claim to fame is the co-owner is Jacques Pauw, author of The President's Keepers. The other more important reason was that they advertise sourcing their food locally ( and from the Country Life magazine: "Lots of yum right here…simple comfort food, slow-cooked, very South African, stylishly presented…The coolest country spot outside Cape Town"

Wellit certainly did not disappoint as the pulled lamb burgers (200g of slow-cooked and red wine-drenched shoulder of lamb) were absolutely deliscious – really tender and tasty. I had a Babylon Pinotage red wine with it that was full of body and flavour – it went particularly well witgh that lamb. The portion size left us quite full but we managed to squeeze in some peppermint tart afterwards.

The only thing that was not so great, but no fault of the restauarant, wa sthe credit card machine wass offline so we took a stroll through the town to draw cash at tyhe only ATM (which also did not accept any cards but luckily we could draw cash at the small Pick 'n Pay supermarket). Message to banks – get your act togethe rin these small towns as you are not doing your clients or tourism and favours…

#redtinroof #restaurant #riebeeckkasteel

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