Some Cryptocurrency Miners Are Building Their Own Electricity Infrastructure

Some Cryptocurrency Miners Are Building Their Own Electricity Infrastructure

This does highlight though the impact that cryptocurrency mining is having on the environment and fellow residents. The same can be said though for fossil fuel mining as here in South Africa a group of mines had negotiated a fixed electricity tariff way below what consumers were paying. Then years plus later we were all suffering under load-shedding and increased rates whilst this mining group were getting away with increased usage at the expense of residential consumers. So there is also a lesson to be learnt by power utility companies to cap any concessions given. It's these types of realities though that may economically catch up with cryptocurrency mining in the future. At least this initiative may leave a useful legacy if cryptocurrency collapses as it can still sell power to other consumers.



testmedia Cryptocurrency Miners Are Building Their Own Electricity Infrastructure
Canadian company DMG Blockchain is expanding its mining operation in British Columbia with its own electrical substation.