Trump stands with climate change deniers, withdraws from Paris Agreement

The long-awaited decision is to join Nicaragua and Syria on the sidelines. After months of delays and rumors of a divided White House, President Trump announced today his intent to withdraw from the international Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, abdicating leadership on climate change.

Many within the Trump Administration, including Secretary of State and former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson and Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, have argued for staying in the agreement, which was signed by nearly every country in the world. Most fossil fuel companies have at least publicly stated the same desire, including the (current) CEOs of Shell and Exxon.

China has publicly stated its intent to follow through on its Paris commitments regardless of what the US does.

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Trump to pull history’s biggest polluter from global climate agreement

The long-awaited decision is to join Nicaragua and Syria on the sidelines.