“There’s no difference between white and brown bread” except the marketing

Burgener says brown bread looks a lot more like it did before it was refined. She says because the husk has been added to it, the bran has been re-added, which also gives the appearance of whole wheat.

She explains that manufacturers should not be allowed to label bread as ‘whole wheat’ because it stopped being ‘whole wheat’ when it was ground with steel as opposed to stone grounders.

Stone-ground flour is a different kettle of wheat from its steel-ground counterpart because it produces a flour with all the original parts still present. No standard supermarket loaves are made with this flour says Burgener.

She adds that If it’s health you’re after get your hands on a sour-dough loaf made with stone-ground flour.

Listen to the interview at http://www.capetalk.co.za/articles/258781/there-s-no-difference-between-white-and-brown-bread
“There’s no difference between white and brown bread”

Rather opt for bread made by a baker or make your own says Andrea Burgener, Columnist at Times Live