Scientists make breakthrough that could lead to cure for ALL allergies with a single treatment

Severe allergies could be ‘turned off’ by gene therapy, a new study has suggested. Researchers say a single treatment giving life-long protection from severe allergies such as asthma could be made possible by immunology research.

A team led by Associate Professor Ray Steptoe, at The University of Queensland in Australia, has been able to ‘turn-off’ the immune response which causes allergic reaction in animals.

Dr Steptoe said the eventual goal would be a single injected gene therapy, replacing short-term treatments that target allergy symptoms with varying degrees of effectiveness.

If this really comes about it will be good news to may people as allergies are a growing issue and the symptoms becoming more severe over time.

All allergies could be cured thanks to this breakthrough

Researchers say a single treatment giving life-long protection from severe allergies such as asthma could be made possible by immunology research following a successful trial in animals,