How to get the best Shave of your Life

How to get the best Shave of your Life

Chances are you’re already using a safety razor since you’re reading this article. If not, then this is definitely the right time to make one of the best moves towards improving your shaving experience. The advantages of a double edge over a cartridge razor are plentiful: you’ll be saving (lots of) money in the long run as disposable blades are dirt cheap, you’ll have healthier skin, you’ll improve the comfort and closeness of your shaves and you’ll end-up thoroughly enjoying shaving again.

As for the downsides, there is a slightly steeper learning curve when first starting to use a safety razor, but your technique will quickly improve


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NOVEMBER 2 ,2018. 1. Ditch your multi-blade cartridge razor. Chances are you’re already using a safety razor since you’re reading this article. If not, then this is definitely the right time to make one of the best moves towards improving your shaving experience. The advantages of a double edge over a …