5 Tips for Your First Straight Razor Shave

Straight razor shaving is a great joy in a man’s life. The weight of a steel straight razor, the sound of smoothly cutting through whiskers, and the confidence a great manly shave can give is totally worth the small learning curve. Every manly hobby is worth the time and investment, and straight razor shaving is the ultimate in manliness and self-sustainability!

See http://www.razoremporium.com/blog/5-tips-for-your-first-straight-razor-shave/ aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmF6b3JlbXBvcml1bS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvdXBsb2FkZWRfaW1hZ2VzL3RyeS1zdHJpYWdodC1yYXpvci1iZXN0LmpwZw==
5 Tips for Your First Straight Razor Shave

Straight razor shaving is a great joy in a man’s life. The weight of a steel straight razor, the sound of smoothly cutting through whiskers, and the confidence a great manly shave can give is totally worth the small learning curve. Every manly hobby is worth the time and investment, and straight razor shaving is the ultimate in manliness and self-sustainability! Don’t just take our word for it…. try straight razor shaving today!

1. Buy a SHA…