Bluetooth 6.0 has more security and precision for tracking, hotel doors and finding

Smartphone showing a map screen with the title Vjeran's Backpack, and options below the map for Precision Finding, Play Sound, and Directions in Maps. Next to the phone is a white coloured tracker disc.

Bluetooth 6.0 introduces a feature called Channel Sounding, which can determine the distance between two devices with “centimetre-level accuracy,” according to the Bluetooth SIG. To do this, it uses phase-based ranging to send radio signals between two devices — say your iPhone and your AirTag — at different frequencies, allowing it to calculate the distance between them.

Does that mean the millions of tracker devices need to be replaced….?

Additionally, Bluetooth 6.0’s Channel Sounding is supposed to address some of the security concerns that come with digital keys that are used to unlock your car or hotel room. With more precise tracking information, developers can make sure a device only unlocks when a digital key is within a specific range.

With the use of Bluetooth being everywhere, and it also being such a common vector for attack, it is excellent news seeing updates at last to address these issues.


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