Why you should seriously consider deleting WhatsApp from your phone – And if not, add Telegram and Signal…

Why you should seriously consider deleting WhatsApp from your phone – And if not, add Telegram and Signal to your phone to help others delete Whatsapp

You might want to consider ditching WhatsApp if you want to protect your private data, warns tech expert Toby Shapshak. Shapshak is the author of Stuff magazine and says the messaging app no longer offers enough security.

He says users should be wary of the Facebook-owned messaging app after the string of privacy threats, breaches and scandals facing the social media company.

Shapshak says Facebook has a history of exploiting data without the consent of users and could target the instant messaging service next.

Toby is echoing what many others are warning about. We've seen over many years that Facebook cannot be trusted with personal data (and they know they can do better) and integrating Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook together clearly will result in "it can be done better" yet again. I know many people cannot delete Whatsapp (myself included as I have groups at work still using it) but what we can all do is install Telegram and Signal so that others can find it easier to leave Whatsapp if they wish to. It's often us who are holding other back from leaving as they don't find us on alternative messaging platforms.

"Facebook's real customer is not us the user. Facebook's real customer is the advertiser" — Toby Shapshak, Editor-in-chief – Stuff magazine. Think about that…. who is actually paying.

See http://www.capetalk.co.za/articles/337669/why-you-should-seriously-consider-deleting-whatsapp-from-your-phone

#whatsapp #facebook #privacy

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Tech expert Toby Shapshak has raised some red flags about the risks of Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp.