Fibre is much cheaper than ADSL in South Africa – Here is the simple reason

It is the cost of the unused copper landline you need to buy in SA to run the ADSL. With fibre, it is easy to take out a pay-as-you-go VoIP phone account and port (keep) your old Telkom landline with that new service. Many don’t realise this and still cling to ADSL and their phone number. Fibre is also a lot more stable than ADSL, so if fibre goes into your area your biggest task is choosing an ISP to go with… hint: think about good customer experience and flexibility to change your package (do not go on price alone).

See #^

#fibre #broadband #ADSL
#^Fibre is much cheaper than ADSL in South Africa – Here is the simple reason


Uncapped fibre-to-the-home is now much cheaper than comparable ADSL or VDSL services in South Africa.