A Commodore 64 Clone With a Working Retro Keyboard Will Finally Arrive This Year for US$120 – Will Include an HDMI Port

The C64, as the new console is simply known, has the same footprint as the original Commodore 64 that was first released back in 1982. The keyboard appears to have the same layout (and hopefully uses key switches that emulate the feel of the original’s) and that glorious beige finish that screams, “boring ‘80s computer.” It also comes with BASIC pre-installed, and it can be switched between modes that make it function like the classic C64, or even its predecessor, the Commodore Vic 20.

But that’s where the similarities end. The new C64 includes an HDMI port so it can be easily connected to modern TVs, but it maxes out at 720P, so don’t expect to finally be able to play Impossible Mission in 4K. It also includes the same collection of games that the C64 Mini has, but to improve gameplay the accurately awful throwback joystick has been upgraded with new micro switches, so hopefully, it’s a little more responsive than its predecessor.

See #^https://gizmodo.com/a-commodore-64-clone-with-a-working-retro-keyboard-will-1835836875

#C64 #commodore64 #retro
#^A Commodore 64 Clone With a Working Retro Keyboard Will Finally Arrive This Year


The most disappointing thing about the miniature Commodore 64 released last year was that its tiny keyboard didn’t actually work—it was just for show. Those cryptically labeled dirt-brown keys were one of the most iconic features of the C64 back in the ‘80s. But come December, the C64 Mini will be joined by another Commodore 64 replica, this time with a full sized and fully functional keyboard.