An innovative method of collecting solar power could enable smartphone users to boost their batteries by leaving their device in the sun. Researchers at South Africa’s University of the Free State and Belgium’s Ghent University have developed a working model for glass that shifts non-visible light to a solar panel. Using certain phosphor materials in glass, a pane can let visible light through while redirecting ultraviolet and infrared rays to small solar panels mounted at the sides.
OK this is not going to be ready for market for quite a few years (if it ever does) but imagine skyscrapers and cars being able to use their side window areas for harvesting sunlight and not just the smaller roof. This is not entirely new but the bigger breakthrough here is being able to use clear/transparent glass.
#solar #phones #technology
#^See-Through Solar Panel Breakthrough Could Lead to Self-Powered Smartphones
Researchers in South Africa and Belgium want solar panels everywhere.