KaiOS, the phone operating system used on feature phones like last year’s Nokia 8110 remake, finally has an official version of WhatsApp. The app can be downloaded from the KaiStore for KaiOS devices with 256MB or 512MB of RAM, and it will come preinstalled on select phones starting in the third quarter of this year. The KaiOS version of the app supports both calling and messaging, and it includes end-to-end encryption just like it does on Android and iOS.
In Western markets, phones like the Nokia 8110 are positioned as the kind of phone that you purchase if you want to get away from modern apps. But the same isn’t true in developing nations where these phones’ low-cost, simplicity, and long battery life (the Nokia 8110 has 25 days of standby, for example) are much more essential.
KaiOS has been emerging more and more as the feature phone OS to use. It’s not Android or iOS but can run many apps on phones with little RAM and battery life is often two to three weeks. Here in South Africa we have a locally branded MTN Smart that sells at around $20, so these are great for developing countries to connect people.
See #^https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/22/20703872/whatsapp-kaios-nokia-8110-jio-phone-feature-phones
#kaios #whatsapp
#^WhatsApp has arrived on KaiOS, the OS used by the Nokia 8110
Feature phones with modern connectivity.