FTC fines Facebook $5bn for making users believe they actually had control over their data – Those repeated promises were deceptive

The US Department of Justice, on behalf of the commission, will lodge a complaint claiming that Facebook "repeatedly used deceptive disclosures and setting to undermine" individuals’ privates. This included sharing data with third-party apps that were downloaded by users’ "friends", a practice the FTC said was not known to members.

An independent third-party assessor – not PwC – will also be tasked with providing biennial evaluations of Facebook’s privacy programme, including "fact-gathering, sampling and testing". The assessor must not rely on lies information from Facebook management and will be required to report findings to the Privacy Board each quarter.

Facebook today is not what it was when it started out. Their CEO had originally promised that users’ data would always be private to them and under their control, and then the financial greed kicked in. Worst though were the repeated apologies and assurances every time they were caught out. It’s not a once-off event.

Worst of all is that so many users feel trapped inside of Facebook with nowhere to go because their friends are there. Interestingly I’ve met up with many who have left Facebook and are now happily settled at MeWe, YouMe, Diaspora, Mastodon, Friendica and many other social networks. What’s different there is maybe not so much family and personal sharing but more around daily events and interests. But remember we all have choices it is just up to us to decide or not.  I deleted my Facebook profile probably two years back and am alive and well.

See #^https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/24/facebook_fined_5bn_over_privacy_snafu_by_federal_trade_commission/

#deletefacebook #privacy
#^FTC fines Facebook $5bn for making users believe they actually had control over their data


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