German state of Thuringia to prefer open source for better control over software and to contribute to the common good

The push for open source is an initiative of the state’s Green party. “This crowns our efforts to strengthen digital resilience,” writes Member of Parliament Madeleine Henfling in a blog post. For the Green party, the idea of digital resilience includes having control over software and hardware. In addition, Henfling writes, open source will lower costs, facilitate the transfer of knowledge, and let the state contribute to the common good.

The new procurement rule will include a definition of open source: software solutions whose source code is publicly accessible and whose licences do not restrict their use, distribution and modification. In addition, procurers now need to take into account the future security and interoperability of software solutions.

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When procuring new IT solutions, the German Free State of Thuringia will now prefer open source software where that is technically possible and economic. The change in Thuringia’s procurement rules was accepted in a vote by the state parliament earlier this month and will be officially available some time in August. The push for open source is an…