472 Vehicle-To-Grid Smart Chargers Coming To The Netherlands – The Cars Give Back By Helping Stabilise The Grid

The Dutch government states that a more stable electric grid, better use of renewable energy, and making money with your battery electric car (BEV) are the reasons it is promoting the use of smart chargers, which are able to invert the flow of the current to go from the car battery back into the grid.

Of course, the whole capacity of a car’s battery won’t be available as a buffer for the grid. The owner/driver can set the amount of electricity the grid can borrow and what minimum charge the car should have. With only 472 cars connected to the grid, it is not the size of the reserve capacity that matters, but the speed with which it can react to fluctuations in the grid. When we have a hundred times as many smart public chargers, that’s when capacity becomes relevant.

Yes going electric means being able to do so much more instead of a legacy type one-way grid with a massive base-load generation. Smarter grids allow for EVs to help stabilise fluctuations along with static battery storage, and should allow for decentralised wind and solar PV generation from different areas across a country or a continent. It even offers the opportunity for individuals to generate and sell their own power. It’s a whole new world…

See https://cleantechnica.com/2019/09/02/netherlands-subsidy-for-472-vehicle-to-grid-smart-chargers/

#environment #gridstorage #EV
#^472 Vehicle-To-Grid Smart Chargers Coming To The Netherlands


The Dutch government states that a more stable electric grid, better use of renewable energy, and making money with your battery electric car (BEV) are the reasons it is promoting the use of smart chargers, which are able to invert the flow of the current to go from the car battery back into the grid.