The 19 Best Self-Defense Products For Women – Most Are Non-Lethal But Some Are Not

The linked article lists some of the most popular and effective self-defense gadgets for women and college students. A few quick tips to help you decide which item will be best for your situation.

  • When it comes to picking the best self-defense device for women it basically comes down to what you find most comfortable carrying. If for some reason, you find a specific self-defense weapon a burden carrying with you, you are likely to not have it on you which defeats its whole purpose.
  • Personal protection devices come in a few categories, there are impact weapons, sprays and maces, and stun guns and tasers. Before you buy a female self-defense product decide if you prefer a range or melee device. Most women, and men too, will prefer to deal with a mugger or rapist from a distance. However, in certain situations, this is not realistic. For instance, when you need to defend yourself in really crowded spaces a melee weapon will be more effective.
  • Do your diligence when buying cute, non-masculine looking self-defense items that are specially designed to look appealing to women. Shiny products that look like jewellery or have a bling factor might not be your most effective option.
  • Also, keep in mind that no device is 100% effective. Yet the 15 products listed here are all known and proven to be potential lifesavers.
  • If the situation warrants it (you feel immediately threatened) and you have a non-lethal product, rather use it and apologise later as the initiative can be lost if you waiver.
  • Practice a bit with whatever you choose so that you can bring it into action quickly and not fumble around.
  • Always check expiry dates of any spray or battery-based products and replace them in time.


#selfdefense #women #rapedefense
#^The 19 Best Self Defense Products For Women – hobbr


Below are the most popular and effective self defense gadgets for women and college students. First a few quick tips to help you decide which item will be best for your situation. 1. When it comes to picking the best self-defense device for women it basically comes down to what you find most comfortable carrying. If, for some reason, you find a …