The French government has found an alternative to WhatsApp, Telegram or Slack for its internal communication network. The French government’s interministerial digital service created Tchap, an encrypted messaging service for public servants only to exchange confidential information. The main goals of the project are to ensure the security of the communication network and to improve the interoperability of the service between different administrations.
The French government decided to develop its own encrypted communication network for the exchange of confidential information. Moreover, allows fully-encrypted exchanges coupled with temporary passwords. The app also ensures user ID control and administrators can suppress any account. the French government decided to develop its own encrypted communication network for the exchange of confidential information. Moreover, allows fully-encrypted exchanges coupled with temporary passwords. The app also ensures user ID control and administrators can suppress any account.
This self-managed and self-encrypted service allows the French government to operate its own fully secure messaging service without any risk of man-in-the-middle attacks or foreign powers spying on their messaging. It is based on free and open-source Riot and Matrix which anyone can use. Because of this too they have no risk of vendor lock-in.
#messaging #security #france
#^Tchap messaging service | Joinup
The French government has found an alternative to WhatsApp, Telegram or Slack for its internal communication network. The French government’s interministerial digital service created Tchap, an encrypted messaging service for public servants only to exchange confidential information. The main goals of the project are to ensure the security of the…