CERN Replacing Facebook Workplace With A Set Of Open-Source Software Alternatives including Mattermost and Discourse

CERN was then given a choice of either paying to continue with the initially free set-up or downgrading to a free version that would remove administrative rights and CERN single sign-on access and send all data to Facebook. Losing control of our data was unacceptable, as was paying for a tool that was not part of our core offering for the CERN community; therefore, we will end the trial of this platform.

To replace key Workplace functionalities, a suite of alternative solutions are available to the CERN community. Mattermost instant messaging and real-time communications can already be used to replace Workplace private or public groups. Discourse can also help exchange information that can be referenced in the future, and is already used by many, including the CERN market and the ROOT community, as a questions and answers platform.

See #^

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