Give an old MacBook new life with Linux – Elementary OS is an impressive platform for resurrecting an outdated MacBook

"When I installed Apple’s MacOS Mojave, it slowed my formerly reliable MacBook Air to a crawl. My computer, released in 2015, has 4GB RAM, an i5 processor, and a Broadcom 4360 wireless card, but Mojave proved too much for my daily driver—it made working with GnuCash impossible, and it whetted my appetite to return to Linux. I am glad I did, but I felt bad that I had this perfectly good MacBook lying around unused."

Sound familiar? Elementary OS is working well with MacBook Airs’ Wi-Fi and touchpad (out of the box – no need to pay for drivers).

You can read about Don’s positive experience with this at Give an old MacBook new life with Linux

#opensource #maccbookair #linux


When I installed Apple’s MacOS Mojave, it slowed my formerly reliable MacBook Air to a crawl. My computer, released in 2015, has 4GB RAM, an i5 processor, and a Broadcom 4360 wireless card, but Mojave proved too much for my daily driver—it made working with GnuCash impossible, and it whetted my appetite to return to Linux. I am glad I did, but I felt bad that I had this perfectly good MacBook lying around unused.