Fitness Trackers Don’t Have To Be Proprietary – OpenHAK can track steps, oxygen saturation and heart rate

Fitness trackers have become a popular piece of consumer electronic equipment, with a range of models from a variety of manufacturers. Many of these commercial offerings, however, leave the consumer with the prospect of their data being drawn off to a cloud server and sold to the highest bidder, trading convenience for a loss of privacy. If only there were a fitness tracker offering complete control!

It is based on using the MAX30101 sensor which includes both the common green LED but also infra-red LED for deeper penetration. Being an open design it can in theory be upgraded with improved sensors and software (or repaired if something breaks.

The downside is you can’t just buy it is a store or online.

See Fitness Trackers Don’t Have To Be Proprietary

#opensource #health #fitness #technology


Fitness trackers have become a popular piece of consumer electronic equipment, with a range of models from a variety of manufacturers. Many of these commercial offerings, however, leave the consume…