Transportation emissions are worse than the electric power industry emissions… and cars and busses are the worst offenders

It’s ironic that we hear so much about the airline industry (relatively minor impact compared to other transportation) and then about how bad it is to charge electric vehicles from the "dirty power grid".

Well this report puts things in perspective and clearly someone (Big Oil I’m looking at you!) has been trying to divert attention away from diesel vehicles and buses). That’s all I can conclude as we should be clearly tackling the issue from the cars and buses perspective and it is good to see so many bus fleets converting to electric across the world.
It is good that the change is already well under way but really sad there is so much misinformation still being spread.

See You Should Care About Transportation Emissions. Here’s Why

#environment #airpollution #EV #BigOil


Why should we be more interested in transportation emissions? In short, transportation is the largest single contributor of US greenhouse gas emissions.