My Tech and Gadgets Group on MeWe Social Network has just surged past 25,000 followers

MeWe has already become a popular alternative to folks leaving Facebook but it’s directories for easily finding and discovering groups works really well as I do no promotion about this group at all. It also demonstrates that folks do want focussed and curated news that stays on topic with trolls and spam actively removed. It is also a reason why I do not allow others to create posts there, but they are encouraged to participate through comments.

Ironically enough I do also push the same posts through to an anonymous GadgeteerZA Facebook Page but that only has 100 followers with far less engagement. It’s also been interesting to see a steady growth in followers on my Mastodon account (popular alternative to Twitter) which seems to indicate more folks are gravitating across to alternative social media to get away from Big Tech.

#socialmedia #alternativeto #technology
