UK Civil servants were warned office ‘cake culture’ could be a ‘public health hazard’


UK Civil servants were warned office 'cake culture' could be a 'public health hazard'

Civil servants have been warned that bringing cake into work for birthdays and celebrations could be a “public health hazard”. A post on the official Civil Service blog asks colleagues to be “mindful” of the sweet treats they bring into the workplace and the impact it has on “those who have difficulty resisting”.

It comes after experts warned that the culture of bringing cake into work is becoming a daily health hazard and should be stopped. In recent years, it has become popular for workers to offer birthday cake to colleagues or bring back sugary gifts from their holidays. However, earlier this month the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) warned that in large offices, sweets and cakes have become a daily occurrence and the growing trend is contributing to poor oral health and the obesity epidemic (


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