This video was really food for thought for me…. At home, I’m running OpenMediaVault with Portainer and Docker, and all my services are in Docker containers. Updating them is as easy as clicking recreate, and redownload fresh image. The NGINX reverse proxy image makes ita pleasure to manage that side with SSL certs etc.
My paid for VPS server though is all set up with customised Webuzo scripts. I just checked and every service I run on that VPS server, is available in a Docker image… I pay extra monthly for the Webuzo service, and switching to Docker will be cheaper for me, and probably a lot easier to update, especially for my Drupal install. If you’ve been putting off diving into Docker, it is well worth trying out.
New ‘To Do’ just added to my task list!
Watch video at
Setting Up NextCloud on Docker w/ NGINX and CloudFlare
by DB Tech on YouTube