Nokia smartphones getting “pure” Android 8.0

Nokia smartphones getting “pure” Android 8.0

The company said Android 8.0 Oreo is being introduced across its range of smartphones “as it was intended – in its purest form”. “Monthly software updates and bloat-free devices mean your Nokia phone will remain pure, secure, and up to date,” said Shaun Durandt, General Manager Southern Africa at HMD Global.

This looks interesting as "pure" or stock Android is not so easy to come by inside South Africa. Apart from being bloatware free, it should also mean quicker and more regular updates (because less, or no, customisation is needed). I may even consider a Nokia again in the future.


40eb41dc dce7 4ee9 bbf7 c69268d70e9f Nokia smartphones getting “pure” Android 8.0
Nokia smartphones have started receiving Android 8.0, stated HMD Global.