Machine Learning Baby Monitor Prevents The Hunger Games – A High Tech Solution To Baby Monitoring

Baby Hunger

Normally, babies are pretty unsubtle about being hungry, and loudly announce their needs to the world. But it turns out that crying is a lagging indicator of hunger, and that there are a host of face, head, and hand cues that precede the wailing. [Caleb] based his system on Google’s MediaPipe library, using his baby monitor’s camera to track such behaviours as lip-smacking, pacifier rejection, fist mouthing, and rooting, all signs that someone’s tummy needs filling. By putting together a system to recognize these cues and assign a weight to them, Caleb now gets a text before the baby gets to the screaming phase, to the benefit of not only the little nipper but to his sleep-deprived servants as well.

From Caleb: “I wanted to put this out and see if the idea had legs before spending any more time on it. Makes sense to open source it if ultimately I don’t want to pursue the idea further”. So it appears it is not going out as open source, unfortunately.


#technology #machinelearning #babies