A Beginners Guide To Cron Jobs for Linux

A Beginners Guide To Cron Jobs for Linux

Cron is one of the most useful utility that you can find in any Unix-like operating system. It is used to schedule commands at a specific time. These scheduled commands or tasks are known as “Cron Jobs”. Cron is generally used for running scheduled backups, monitoring disk space, deleting files (for example log files) periodically which are no longer required, running system maintenance tasks and a lot more. In this brief guide, we will see the basic usage of Cron Jobs in Linux.

Yes, it's not something you set up manually every day but an understanding of an overview like this is really useful to know what can be done with Cron.

See https://www.ostechnix.com/a-beginners-guide-to-cron-jobs/


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Cron is one of the most useful utility that you can find in any Unix-like operating system. It is used to schedule commands at a specific time. These scheduled commands or tasks are known as…