A case is made for the Merkur 34C not being the best choice as a Beginner Safety Razor and the alternatives are also Merkurs

I found this interesting as I’ve always hands down recommended the 34C as the best razor to start out with – it’s a very easy mild shave with plenty of forgiveness which creates a good first impression and inspires confidence. But Sheldon makes a case here for tow other Merkur contenders that may be a better choice for a beginners razor.

The Merkur 34C is Merkur’s best seller worldwide but is it the best choice for a beginner?

See https://globalshave.club/2019/05/31/why-i-wont-sell-the-merkur-34c-as-a-beginner-razor/

#traditionalshaving #wetshaving #merkur
Why I Won’t Sell the Merkur 34C as a Beginner Razor.


MY LEAST FAVORITE BEGINNER RAZOR! I know that a few of my readers may thumb their nose at me for the sentiments expressed above, but the Merkur 34C is, in my opinion, is not the best safety razor t…