A Graphical Timeline of the History of Computer Software & Languages


A Graphical Timeline of the History of Computer Software & Languages

A fascinating look at how the various languages evolved and interesting to see so much of what was developed in the 1960 to 1980 is still in use today. Just a pity they did not mention Ada Lovelace. It looks like they were only covering actual running languages and not the events that led up to them. Yes Mr Stallman with GNU features in relation to Unix and the Linux kernel, along with Linus Torvalds, Dennis Ritchie and many others.

Some technology covered here are ASCII, Unix, Linux, GNU, Perl, C, C++, Visicalc, CICS, Logo, Wordstar, BASIC, Fortran, COBOL, Java, Javascript, FreeBSD, Microsoft Word, MS-DOS, and many more.

See http://bit.ly/2xe3Df2

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