A Service that Lets You Use Windows 10 on Any Computer or Phone Is Going Nationwide in the US – The …

A Service that Lets You Use Windows 10 on Any Computer or Phone Is Going Nationwide in the US – The Future of Gaming?

Back at CES in January, French company Blade seemed to promise the moon. For a monthly fee, the company would give users access to a high-end Windows 10 machine, with the latest CPU from Intel and a beefy Nvidia 1080 GPU built in. The computer would be housed at a server farm, which means as long as you had an internet connection, your iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac machine could access it. The hiccup was, the service was only available in France and California.

Eight months later, Blade’s service, Shadow, is going nationwide in the U.S. The kicker? You only need a 5Mbps connection to take advantage of what Shadow offers.

If the rumors are true, streaming the contents of a powerful remote PC to your personal computer, tablet, or phone seems to be one very possible future for gaming. Nvidia already streams games to its 4K set-top box, the Nvidia Shield. Reportedly, both Sony and Microsoft are considering shipping cheap boxes that connect to remote servers for their next generation of gaming consoles, too. In June, Kotaku reported that Google was also considering a similar strategy.

Yes you'll also need a pretty good Internet link… but it is a glimpse of what may happen in the future. Everyone wants to lock consumers into a monthly paying cloud service.

See https://gizmodo.com/a-service-that-lets-you-use-windows-10-on-any-computer-1828079779


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