Air Quality In Bergen, Norway’s EV Capitol, Better Than At Any Time Since 2003

Air Quality In Bergen, Norway’s EV Capitol, Better Than At Any Time Since 2003

Which goes to show if there is serious intent to get the air clean, it will happen!

Some of those original emissions come from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles and part come from fireplaces and wood stoves. Norway has gone all in on electric cars. Last month, more than 60% of new cars sold in the country were electric, thanks in large measure to aggressive incentives put in place by the government. Bergen has gone even further, offering free EV charging and preferential parking for EV drivers in the city’s center together with lower tolls and access to dedicated commuter lanes.

All of Europe has been been in love with diesel-powered cars since the oil embargoes of the 1970s. That’s when national governments decided to provide incentives for people to buy diesel cars because diesels are more efficient than gasoline engines. Not only were taxes lowered on diesel cars, taxes on diesel fuel were also reduced. Diesels may get more miles per gallon than gasoline engines, but they also spew enormous quantities of nitrogen oxides and particulates into the air — both of which contribute to the photoreactive process that results in smog — not to mention what they do to lungs. The level of nitrogen oxides in the air over Bergen is now less than it was in 1990, according to Elbil.


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Bergen, Norway, is enjoying the best air quality in 15 years. That’s largely due to it being the electric car capitol of Norway, but there are other factors involved as well.