Alphabet’s AI May Have Just Made Its Biggest Healthcare Breakthrough – The system can now detect a life-threatening kidney ailment 48 hours faster

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has gotten a lot of press over the past several years, promising to revolutionize everything from business to healthcare. The ability of AI-based deep learning algorithms to detect patterns that would easily escape their human counterparts has potential applications that boggle the mind.

The technology has already been used to power chatbots, smart speakers, digital assistants, movie and purchase recommendations, and much more.

The results, which were published in the medical journal Nature, revealed that researchers were able to predict the condition in patients up to 48 hours earlier than it is currently being diagnosed. The algorithm was also able to detect 90% of the most serious cases — those that would have resulted in dialysis if the condition had gone undetected.

One downfall of the technology is that it wouldn’t provide a mechanism to notify medical professionals of the situation. In a separate peer-reviewed study, DeepMind evaluated its mobile medical assistant app called Streams.

Developments such as these won’t be replacing doctors anytime soon, but they can help detect life-threatening situations sooner.

See #^

#AI #kidneys #health
#^Alphabet’s AI May Have Just Made Its Biggest Healthcare Breakthrough —  The Motley Fool


The system can now detect a life-threatening condition 48 hours faster.