Application for the General Release of genetically modified (GMO) maize into the South African environment…

Application for the General Release of genetically modified (GMO) maize into the South African environment

DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (Pty) Ltd has applied for the general release of genetically modified maize into the South African environment. In accordance with the Genetically Modified Organisms Act, they are required to engage with and ask the public for comment. Please click this link to provide your comment on this essential process

All comments sent through DearSA are reregistered and will be acknowledged and considered in the decision-making process under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act – PAJA. This forms a solid foundation for a legal challenge should the need arise.


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Click to HAVE YOUR SAY on the application by DuPont Pioneer for the general release of GMO maize into the South African environment.