Bigger Than Cambridge Analytica? Court Documents: Facebook Turned Over Bulk Data On Possibly Millions…

Bigger Than Cambridge Analytica? Court Documents: Facebook Turned Over Bulk Data On Possibly Millions Of Americans To US Government Without A Warrant

If so, why am I thinking that the US government is not going to censure Facebook too harshly?

There are just more and more revelations coming to the fore about Facebook who has been caught previously "leaking" private data. Clearly, this is a company specifically building its business model on the value of its members' private data. Yes so does Twitter but Twitter is mostly public and not selling off private data as far as we know, and yes Google does automated scanning and analysis of data to target adverts but again not giving our private data away as far as we know.



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Not only did Facebook violate their own policies and break the trust of their users in providing bulk, raw data to the federal government without a warrant, but the feds took that data, sifted through it, shared it, and stored it. A class action lawsuit is in the works!