Canada’s Directive on Management of IT Dec 2018 update requires open standards and open source software…

Canada's Directive on Management of IT Dec 2018 update requires open standards and open source software to be used as a first option where possible

Many governments around the world have already adopted open standards and open source software as their first option. The really sad thing though is that it struggles to get any foothold within administrations because no-one lobbies externally to government. Many vendors want to just drop boxes with a markup, or else resell their same solution to multiple departments. Yes its citizens' tax money but no-one is lobbying on behalf of citizens (most politicians do not understand open standards or open source software and again no-one is lobbying them on its behalf either).

Extract from C.2.3.8:

Application Architecture
C.2.3.8 Use Open Standards and Solutions by Default
C. Where possible, use open standards and open source software first
C. If an open source option is not available or does not meet user needs, favour platform-agnostic COTS over proprietary COTS, avoiding technology dependency, allowing for substitutability and interoperability
C. If a custom-built application is the appropriate option, by default any source code written by the government must be released in an open format via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
C. All source code must be released under an appropriate open source software license
C. Expose public data to implement Open Data and Open Information initiatives


#opensource #openstandards #canada
