The City of Dortmund in Germany continues its transition to open source software as a local government

In January 2020, following the publication of its internal strategy, the city of Dortmund’s Open Source Working Group published a progress report outlining the next steps planned by the city of Dortmund to foster the development and use of open source software at the municipal level and beyond.

The Municipal open government conference, to be organised early 2022, will promote the use of open source software by municipalities. At this occasion, the city of Dortmund plans to launch an alliance of municipalities in favour of open source software. In a press release, Christian Uhr, Head of Human Resources and Organization of the city of Dortmund, expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative: “The project is a good example of how citizens and the administration can work together constructively and in a spirit of trust. The newly gained knowledge will help us to prevent dependencies and to remain digitally capable in the future. " The final report of the open source working group will be presented to the city of Dortmund by mid- 2022.

In order to further promote and develop the use of open source software across its public administration, the city of Dortmund has created an Open Source Working Group, which aims to assess the opportunities and challenges for the development of open source software.

See Open source for Dortmund | Joinup

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Five years after the creation of its Open Source Working Group, the City of Dortmund published several reports on the “Investigation of the potential of Free Software and Open Standards”. The reports share the city of Dortmund’s open source policy goals as well as its ambition to create an alliance of municipalities in favour of open source…