Cod and ‘Immune Broth’: California Tests Food as Medicine

Cod and ‘Immune Broth’: California Tests Food as Medicine

The group is now participating in an ambitious, state-funded study to test whether providing daily nutritious meals to chronically ill, low-income people on Medi-Cal — California’s version of the Medicaid program — will affect their prognosis and treatment, or the cost of their medical care.

Over the next three years, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, and Stanford will assess whether providing 1,000 patients who have congestive heart failure or Type 2 diabetes with a healthier diet and nutrition education affects hospital readmissions and referrals to long-term care, compared with 4,000 similar Medi-Cal patients who don’t get the food.

Good to see medical studies being done on how healthy food can contribute to recovery instead of just drugs. One hopes that this will carry over onto the preventative side as well.


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A state-funded clinical trial will test whether nutritious daily meals for chronically ill people can improve health and reduce medical costs.